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中華文化 | 言與志反,文豈足征

核心提示:言與志反,文豈足征 Writing That Runs Counter to Its Author's Aspirations Is Worthless如果所寫文章與自己內(nèi)心的情志不一致,這樣的文章有何價值呢?“言”指言辭、文章,“志”指作者的思想情感。出自南朝劉勰《文心雕龍·情采》。劉勰認為,在創(chuàng)作的時候,應(yīng)當為情而造文、為志而發(fā)言,就像《詩經(jīng)》的創(chuàng)作者們那樣,心中有志向、有愁思、有歡欣,然后

言與志反,文豈足征  Writing That Runs Counter to Its Author's Aspirations Is Worthless


If a piece of writing contradicts its author's aspirations, why bother to write it at all? Here, yan stands for either "speech" or "writing," and zhi refers to an author's feelings and aspirations. The term originates from The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons by Liu Xie of the Southern Dynasties. In Liu's view, a writer should write to express his feelings and aspirations in the same way the authors of The Book of Songs did, bursting into songs and verses to voice their aspirations, sorrows and joys. Only such writings can be truly good. If what they put down on paper does not accord with what they think or feel, or if they themselves are soulless and can only show an affected sentimentality, their writings will naturally prove meaningless. This term criticises writers who are pompous and flashy to the neglect of true feelings.

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Trees bearing peaches and plums do not have to talk, yet the world, attracted by the sweet fruits they yield, beats a path to them. A man once planted an orchid but its flowers did not exude any fragrance. Why? Because he did not put his heart into his cultivation. Even trees and flowers rely on sincere care to bear fruit or to give off a sweet scent. So it is with the business of writing, which is essentially about voicing one's feelings and wishes. If what is written contradicts the author's aspirations, what's the point of writing at all? (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社


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