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中華文化 | 玄默之表 Being Quiet and Reticent

核心提示:玄默之表Being Quiet and Reticent指清靜無為、沉默寡言的外表。它多是長期專注于探索高深、玄遠(yuǎn)、新奇問題的人所特有的神態(tài)、行為方式等。在南朝劉勰(465?—520?或532?)的《文心雕龍·隱秀》中,它特指蘊(yùn)含深遠(yuǎn)意義、深沉情感而又平淡樸實的文字,或指于平淡樸實的文字中蘊(yùn)含不同尋常的思想感情的風(fēng)格。后來由此演變?yōu)橐环N類似于西方文論中“冰山原則”“


Being Quiet and Reticent


This concept is about the quiet and reticent demeanor of people who are preoccupied with exploring profound, esoteric and novel issues. In The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, written by Liu Xie (465?-520? or 532?) in the Southern Dynasties, it refers to writings with profound meaning and deep emotion but are expressed in a plain, simple, unpretentious and unadorned way. Also it refers to a style of similar kind. Later, this concept evolved into a writing style of pursuing an aesthetic effect that appears plain but is rich and evocative, similar to the writing style of iceberg principle and zero intervention in Western literature.

引例 Citations:



Moreover, the monarch should have maintained a pure and inactive state of mind and held fast to the virtue of quietness. But as it is now, because of the hobby of traveling far and showing off his status, the monarch makes charioteers and horses tired and weary, which is really not a matter of urgency for him to do. (Yang Xiong: "Changyang Rhapsody" with a Preface)



Those who are profound in thinking often seek to explore new ideas; therefore, under the appearance of quietness and reticence they often have galloping thoughts. And those who are skilled in rhetoric often aim to achieve perfection, so they often immerse themselves in ornate oratory. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學(xué) 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社


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