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中華文化 | 貧不學(xué)儉,卑不學(xué)恭 Poor People Do Not Need to Learn Frugality, and Humble People Do Not Need to Learn

核心提示:貧不學(xué)儉,卑不學(xué)恭Poor People Do Not Need to Learn Frugality, and Humble People Do Not Need to Learn Respectfulness貧窮的人不用學(xué)節(jié)儉而自然節(jié)儉,卑微的人不用學(xué)謙恭而自然謙恭。這是中國(guó)古代的一句諺語(yǔ)。其意不是讓人不學(xué)習(xí)節(jié)儉和謙恭這兩種人們普遍崇尚的美德,而在于揭示一條更為根本的哲理:人的品性,不是與生俱來(lái)的,也不是隨意塑造的,歸根到底


Poor People Do Not Need to Learn Frugality, and Humble People Do Not Need to Learn Respectfulness


The expression means that a person in poverty does not need to learn how to be frugal because he is naturally frugal, and a person with a humble background does not need to learn how to be respectful because he is naturally respectful. This Chinese proverb does not mean to discourage people from learning those two virtues universally held in high esteem. Rather, it is meant to shed light on an essential and philosophical principle that a person's character, in the final analysis, is not born nor randomly formed, but is determined by one's circumstances. In other words, "a person is the product of his environment."

引例 Citations:



As the proverb goes, "Poor people do not need to learn frugality, and humble people do not need to learn respectfulness." People vary in their character not because they are born so, but because they are shaped into who they are by their physical environment. (History as a Mirror)



People from poor families do not need to learn how to be frugal because things follow their natural laws with inevitable results. (Lu You: Poem to My Son Lu Yu)

推薦:教育部 國(guó)家語(yǔ)委

供稿:北京外國(guó)語(yǔ)大學(xué) 外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社


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