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中華文化 | 約定俗成 Established Through Popular Usage / Accepted Through Common Practice

核心提示:約定俗成Established Through Popular Usage / Accepted Through Common Practice名稱按約定確立并成為習(xí)慣。荀子提出“約定俗成”的觀念,用以描述事物的命名方式。荀子認為,人們所使用的名稱有著不同的種類,每個名稱適用于指示特定的對象。但具體用哪個名稱來指示某一事物或某類事物,則是由人們共同約定的。約定的名稱用法逐漸為人們所習(xí)慣,那么這一名稱也


Established Through Popular Usage / Accepted Through Common Practice


Names are established through popular usage. Xunzi proposed this idea to describe how things are named. Xunzi believed that names fall into different categories, and every name is used to indicate a particular object. Which name is used to describe what or what kind of things is decided by the popularity of its use. When everybody accepts a name established by popular usage, it has become a fixed name for the particular object. This idea has also been used to describe the establishment of social norms.

引例 Citation:



There is no such thing as a name that matches an object from the very beginning. All things are named in accordance with the popularity of their use by people. When everybody accepts a name, it is proper for the thing it refers to. Names that are not accepted or commonly used are not appropriate. Names are not originally meant to refer to a particular object; it is through popular use that a name comes to designate a particular thing. Once accepted through popular usage, a name has established its fixed association with the object it refers to. (Xunzi)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學(xué) 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社


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