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中華文化 | 五律 Five-character Rhythmic Poetry

核心提示:五律Five-character Rhythmic Poetry五言律詩(shī),是中國(guó)古代律詩(shī)的重要體式之一。其基本形式為八句四韻,每句五個(gè)字。六韻、八韻乃至更多韻的五言長(zhǎng)律,也屬于五律。五律的寫作有音律和修辭兩方面的要求。音律體現(xiàn)為平仄聲調(diào)和押韻。五律約有四種基本句式,平仄交錯(cuò),按照黏對(duì)規(guī)則安排字句,在偶數(shù)句押韻,一般押平聲韻。修辭體現(xiàn)在對(duì)仗和起承轉(zhuǎn)合的章法上,八句分


Five-character Rhythmic Poetry


Five-character rhythmic poetry is one of the most important forms of ancient Chinese rhyming poetry. The basic form is eight lines with four pairs of rhymes and each line has five characters. Long rhyming poems with six, eight or even more rhymes are also part of five-character rhythmic poetry. Five-character rhythmic poetry must meet both metrical rules and rhetorical requirements. The metrical rules refer to level and oblique tones and the rhyme scheme. In five-character rhythmic poetry, there are four basic types of lines, alternating between level and oblique tones; level and oblique tones must match between different pairs of lines and within the same pair of lines; and rhymes are in even numbered lines, usually with the level tone. The rhetoric is embodied in the antithesis and the arrangement of introduction, elucidation, transition and summing up. The eight lines are divided into the first, second, third, and fourth pairs, and the second and third pairs in the middle are antithetical. Five-character rhythmic poetry is the most sophisticated form of Chinese five-character poetry, combining the beauty of temperament and rhetoric. The overall rhythm is smooth, and impromptu inspirations and material objects are integrated, producing the artistic aesthetic effect of tranquility and stateliness.

The Tang Dynasty attained the greatest achievement in five-character rhythmic poetry, with a large number of famous poets and poems. In addition, from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, five-character rhythmic poetry with six or eight rhymes, known as shitie poetry (試帖詩(shī)), was always a compulsory item in the imperial examination. This fully illustrates the importance of this type of poetry in classical Chinese culture.

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Five-character rhythmic poetry reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. To summarize its main features, there were two styles. The poems of Chen Zi'ang, Du Shenyan, Shen Quanqi, and Song Zhiwen were elegant, sumptuous, refined, and pertinent; the poems of Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Chu Guangxi, and Wei Yingwu were fresh, graceful, relaxed, and lofty. Such is the general situation of the five-character rhythmic poetry of the Tang Dynasty. (Hu Yinglin: An In-depth Exploration of Poetry)

推薦:教育部 國(guó)家語(yǔ)委

供稿:北京外國(guó)語(yǔ)大學(xué) 外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社


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