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中華文化 | 元首 Head of State

核心提示:元首 Head of State本義為人的頭,比喻天子、君主。在古人看來(lái),國(guó)家的權(quán)力結(jié)構(gòu)好比人體,而君主則好比頭腦,臣子好比肢體。君最尊貴,也很重要,甚至對(duì)國(guó)家的命運(yùn)有決定性影響;但君臣又是一體的,他們相互依存,彼此配合,同理國(guó)事,榮辱與共。這種認(rèn)識(shí)隱含國(guó)家有機(jī)整體論的萌芽。近代以降,該詞仍指國(guó)家最高領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,但其概念的外延擴(kuò)大了,既包括世襲制的皇帝

元首  Head of State


The term originally meant the head of a person. Metaphorically, it refers to the Son of Heaven, or the ruler. The ancient Chinese likened the power structure of a country to the body of a person, with the ruler functioning as its head, the officials as its body. The ruler was highly esteemed and the most important person, often exerting a crucial influence on the fate of a country. Yet, the ruler and his officials were parts of the same body. They depended on each other, worked collaboratively, handled state affairs together, and shared a common stake. Such an understanding was a nascent view that considered a country as an integral whole. Since modern times began, this term has come to mean the leader of a country, whether an emperor or a king who has inherited the throne, or the elected president of a country.

引例 Citations:



The ruler is like the head of a person, and officials are like his arms and legs. They are mutually dependent parts of an organic whole, collectively responsible for the success or failure of a country's governance. (The History of the Later Han Dynasty)



The emperor is the head of all the states under heaven, who determines the fate of all under heaven. (The History of the Three Kingdoms)



The Son of Heaven reigns supreme, so he is called the head of state. His officials are likened the arms and legs because they assist him in exercising governance. (Cheng Dengji: Scholarly Learning for Children)

推薦:教育部 國(guó)家語(yǔ)委

供稿:北京外國(guó)語(yǔ)大學(xué) 外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社


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