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中華文化專 | 虛懷若谷 An Open Mind as Broad as a Mountain Valley

核心提示:虛懷若谷An Open Mind as Broad as a Mountain Valley心胸像山谷一樣深廣。形容為人謙虛豁達,善于聽取他人各種意見。這被認為是取得大成就的人以及領(lǐng)導者應該具備的良好品質(zhì)。具備這種品質(zhì)的人,能夠接受各種意見甚至是批評、反對的聲音,這樣可以及時改正自身缺點或修正決策失誤,吸引更多的人歸向自己,使自己獲得更多支持。此與“厚德載物”“有容乃大”相通

虛懷若谷  An Open Mind as Broad as a Mountain Valley


This phrase describes a breadth of mind that is broad and open as a deep and expansive mountain valley. Metaphorically, it refers to a person who is modest, generous, and tolerant, good at listening to other people's opinions and taking them into consideration, which is a desirable characteristic deemed typical in eminent people and leaders. People with such a quality can accommodate various opinions, including criticism and objections. In so doing, they can make timely correction of their mistakes or amend erroneous policies, thereby attracting more people to join and support them. This term is similar in meaning to other concepts such as "having ample virtue and carrying all things" and "a broad mind achieves greatness."

引例 Citations:



In ancient times, a person who is good at practicing Dao was seen as exquisitely insightful, magically capable, profoundly knowledgeable, and beyond the understanding of ordinary people... He looks simple and natural as a piece of uncarved wood; he is open and broad as a tranquil valley. (Laozi)



A broad-minded person who treats others with respect has no problem attracting people eager and willing to follow him. (History as a Mirror)



He has an open mind as broad as a valley, which explains why he becomes increasingly better in poetic accomplishments. (Yuan Mei: Addendum to Suiyuan Remarks on Poetry)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社


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