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中華文化 | 欲謀勝敵,先謀人和 To Overcome the Enemy, First Build Unity

核心提示:欲謀勝敵,先謀人和To Overcome the Enemy, First Build Unity要想戰(zhàn)勝敵人,必先爭取人的齊心協(xié)力。這是北宋許洞在《虎鈐經》一書中提出的命題?!叭撕汀奔慈〉萌藗儞碜o,團結一致。古人認為,“天時”“地利”“人和”是事關成敗的三要素,而其中起決定作用的是“人和”。打仗是敵我雙方力量的比拼,尤其是人的力量的比拼,因此內部須齊心協(xié)力,外部要爭得大多


To Overcome the Enemy, First Build Unity


To overcome the enemy, unity in one's camp is of primary importance. This is a proposition made in Basics of Military Strategies and Tactics written by Xu Dong in the Northern Song Dynasty. Unity means the support of the people. The ancient Chinese believed that "favorable weather conditions, geographic advantages, and the unity of the people" were the three factors determining victory and success, and that unity was the most important factor. Military conflict is a contest between two forces, particularly a contest of human strength, thus the importance of unity within the military ranks and the support of the whole population will make one strong and ensure victory. This is similar to the saying that "triumph comes when leaders and follows share the same goal." It also stresses the importance of a basic Chinese value, namely, putting the human factor first.

引例 Citations:



Favorable weather conditions, geographic advantages, and the unity of the people must all be in place. If not, even a victory will be a very costly one. (Sun Bin's Art of War)



Favorable weather conditions are not as valuable as favorable geographic conditions, and favorable geographic conditions are not as valuable as the unity of the people. (Mencius)



In conducting military operations, planning before battle is essential... To defeat the enemy, it is necessary to unite people around the same goal. (Xu Dong: Basics of Military Strategies and Tactics)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社


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